Tommy Hansen , A Swedish social documentary photographer primarily focusing on two main areas within the frame of documentary depicting - the conditions and cultural traditions in different ethnic groups and the humanitarian perspective of conflicts, oppression and abuse.
(See for documentary work)

Despite the fact that he first and foremost sees himself as a documentary photographer and his strongest driving force as a photographer is taking part of  other people's lives, their stories and testimonies, he is also greatly fascinated by the grandeur of nature's many different creations and faces. Much of his time is spent in nature, and as always the cameras are his faithful companions.
He took his first pictures in the early teens. At that time a lot of time was spent in the Swedish and Norwegian nature and the camera was a natural part of the equipment. For the last fifteen years he has been dedicated to documentary photography. His focus and passion is for long-term documentary projects. Tommy's work have been shown at numerous exhibitions and certain projects have been published in dedicated books. His photography and storytelling has received both great attention and rewards.

Tommy Hansen Additional websites


“Att använda kameran är inte sällan endast en förevändning och ett svepskäl i min strävan efter att få del av en mer fullständig och nyanserad bild av händelser, människor och tillstånd i vår omvärld…"


“Torpet - en plats där man kan finna lugnet och stillheten. En plats där man kan hämta energi, motivation, kraft och inspiration. En plats som bär på en historia och minner om en svunnen tid. En plats som är fantastisk…”